HomepageDispensariesUnited StatesArizonaPhoenixYiLo Superstore - Thunderbird (Med/Rec)
YiLo Superstore - Thunderbird (Med/Rec)

YiLo Superstore - Thunderbird (Med/Rec)

2841 W Thunderbird Rd, Phoenix, 85053
About this dispensary

YiLo is the result of our quest to create the finest medicated chocolates, drinks, brownies, candies and snacks for medical marijuana patients. What followed was a philosophy and lifestyle that adds cannabis where it counts. Our patients have continuously sent us thank you letters, stories of survival and blessed comments for our products. Each patient is our passion and we bake, extract, cook, and create every YiLo medical marijuana product with them in mind. We invite you to share in the medical benefits of cannabis and that YiLo is the premier medical marijuana edible and extract manufacturer.


With our over-the-top, on-the-go lives we were desperate for a truly medicated brownie that was effective in helping to treat illness and taste great – something that would tickle our taste buds. Disappointed by unsatisfying so-called medicated edibles, we set out to create our own to share with other marijuana patients, just like us.


What was discovered on our journey was a surprise — Drinks! What better way to cool down and quench a real ‘thirst’ with our newest product to date. They are extremely refreshing and delicious. From coffee, teas to juices and potions, YiLo made a cannabis infused liquid for every patient.


We also love making delicious gooey Sugar Free treats. These gems are the perfect way to stay medicated and not worry about your blood glucose.


YiLo was developed to meet the growing demand for medicated edibles. We offer a variety of sizes based on the amount of THC. Using German quality standards we provide lab tested products with consistent THC levels. Our consistent dosages are based on a traffic light system to assure the dose is right for you: Green 60mg THC, Yellow 120mg THC and Red 180mg THC. Based on many requests we also developed purple 240mg THC and a new product line with a Light Blue 60mg CBD and Dark Blue 180mg CBD. Yilo products can be found in almost all dispensaries in Arizona (AZ).

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Business Hours
Sunday09:00 - 22:00
Monday09:00 - 22:00
Tuesday09:00 - 22:00
Wednesday09:00 - 22:00
Thursday09:00 - 22:00
Friday09:00 - 22:00
Saturday09:00 - 22:00