Sovereign is the home to many High Times Cannabis Cup Winners:
Mothers Milk - Sativa - Nor Cal - 2019 (Gold)
Blueberry Muffin - Indica - Nor Cal - 2019 (Silver)
Mothers Milk - Solventless Geodes (aka Moonrocks) - Medically infused - Nor Cal 2019 (Bronze)
Mothers Milk - Sativa - Mothers Milk - Sativa - Bay Area 2019 (Gold)
Mothers Milk - Solventless Geodes (aka Moonrocks) - Medically infused - Bay Area 2019 (Gold)
XXX Og - Solventless Geodes (aka Moonrocks) - Medically infused - Bay Area 2019 (Silver)
Since 1998, at Sovereign we have striven to produce the very best, small batch, sustainable, craft cannabis and pay our people a living wage. Our products have been tested voluntarily for pathogens, pests and pesticides since 2008, long before it became mandatory. Our flower is always hand trimmed and cured with care. The strains and phenotypes are bred and selected with love and dedication and it shows by our list of award winning products.
XXX Og - Preroll - Bay Area 2019 (Silver)
White Buffalo - Solventless Geodes (aka Moonrocks) - Nor Cal 2018 (Gold)
Phish Og - Indica - Nor Cal 2013 (Silver)
The Pure - Hybrid - Nor Cal 2011 (Bronze)