My committment to you. As owner of Plane Jane's, I am committed to seeing Plane Jane's into a successful and professional Cannabis organization. By offering contineued education, accessding new tehnology and continuing research. As a person, I see a need for Cannabis lovers to be able to socially interact with each other, and obtain quality cannabis in a clean safe environment. As a company, I am committed to serving our patrons and community, by providing quality cannabis, giving service above self and never compromising the trust bestowed upon us.
We have taken great care to network with some of the finest farmers and providers, to ensure you, our patrons, the best quality cannabis and more, and we always will. That is my promise to you.
We sit on the corner of 105th & Simpson St. You can't miss us, We are the only little Pink house in the neighborhood, with a secure parking lot.
Come check us out, you'll see we are a little different then the rest. Easily accessed from I-205, I-84, NE 105th & Sandy Blvd, from IKEA Cascade station and Airport Way. TriMet Bus stop #87 stops at our front door and we are just 1/2 block from the I-205 Trail head and Marine Drive Bike Trails.